Who is leah's hopes and dreams?

Leah's Hopes and Dreams is 501c3 organization established in 2012, with an emphasis on God, education, and programs that support sustainable behavioral changes. We serve our target population within the communities in which we live, work, and worship; Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, and surrounding areas.
As a nonprofit we want to prevent episodes of homelessness within our community that are negatively impacting individuals and families. LHD has identified existing risks and mitigating factors to further prevent chronic homelessness among persons who are already homeless. LHD will develop, test, and disseminate an action plan for these risks and issues, while promoting the use of evidence-based homelessness prevention and early intervention programs and strategies to curb the trends of our current state.
We also have a global focus on partnerships in Ghana, West Africa, and the Bahamas. LHD recognizes the far-reaching economic and socio-economic impact of poverty and the role it plays to influence the mind, body, and spirit (sharing God’s love even in the darkest places).